News Reba S.A.
Batteries and cells, after they are used up, become waste that is hazardous for the environment. That is why they should be collected in a selective way, so that they are not disposed of at landfills within MSW. In order to achieve this goal, we need your help. We address our offer to several groups of companies. They are all subjected to the provisions of the Act of 24th of April 2009 on batteries and accumulators (DZ.U. 2009 nr 79 poz. 666)
The first group includes all those entrepreneurs who place batteries and portable accumulators on the Polish market.
Our basic proposal for such entrepreneurs is the assistance – by REBA O.O. S.A. – in the fulfillment of their statutory obligation of collection of spent batteries, sending them to appropriate treatment and recycling installations and to carry on required public educational campaigns. Our extensive all-country network of collection points (there are over 26,000 of them at present) enables us to attain the required battery collection rate of 45 % in 2016.
If you are interested in collaboration with REBA in this aspect, please contact our office.